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Fitting Wizard

There are two ways to upload a hearing profile from AudAssist to the client’s A-02 Headphones. There is an Express Fit option or you can step through the Fitting Wizard to provide a full service experience to your clients.

Watch the video below to learn how to use the ‘Fitting’ step to apply additional fitting settings to the A-02 Headphones, as well as how to use the ‘Fitting demonstration’ step to configure the headphones for demonstration to the client.


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CROS Fitting instructions

Learn how to apply a CROS Fitting to the A-02 Headphones using the AudAssist Fitting Wizard.

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Express Fit

This is the quickest option to fit a client’s hearing profile to their A-02 Headphones. The Express Fit option allows you to bypass the ‘Fitting’ and ‘Fitting demonstration’ steps in the Fitting Wizard.

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